As part of our initiatives to improve our service delivery, the Philippine Research, Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET) has set up its website to serve as an integral source of information related to PREGINET.

The PREGINET Website&lsquos Privacy Notice assures every user of this website that their data shall be protected to the best ability of the PREGINET Team.

The PREGINET team is committed to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and to coordinate with the DOST-ASTI&lsquos Data Protection Officer (DPO) to “protect the fundamental human right of privacy of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth”.

PREGINET Website&lsquos Privacy Notice

Personal Information

When you send your questions or concerns to us, the following personal information will be collected:

  • Your full name
  • Your email address


Any information that the PREGINET Team will collect from its users and from the PREGINET Website visitors shall be used primarily to give the website administrators some useful data on the website usage and activities of users. Such information will only be used for the said purpose. Rest assured that the information collected from users will not be used for marketing nor commercial purposes.

Website Analytics

The PREGINET Website uses Matomo Analytics, an open source web analytics application, to track and analyze its website traffic. Should a user visit the PREGINET Website, the analytics gather and process the following information:

  • Your IP address
  • Your network location
  • Your web browser type
  • Details of device you used
  • Referring website details (website that redirected to the PREGINET Website)
  • Date and time you accessed each page
  • Pages on the website you visited
  • Duration of the time you spent on each page
  • Number of your clicks on links leading to external websites

Protection Measure

The PREGINET Team has put the necessary security measures in place to ensure that all personal data collected will be used only for the legitimate purposes of providing user support, and maintaining the PREGINET Website service availability. All gathered data will not be made accessible to the public, unless the PREGINET or the DOST-ASTI will have an intention to publicize some statistics regarding the website use (e.g., on annual government accomplishment reports). PREGINET assures that these information, should they be published, will not in any way identify a specific user and divulge his or her personal details.

Links to other websites

This privacy notice only applies to the PREGINET Website. This website may contain links to and from websites of other agencies and organizations. Such websites may have a different set of policies from ours. To maintain a secured browsing experience on these websites, we encourage you to take time to read their website policies. Also, for more information on this subject, we recommend you to be familiar with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

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Privacy Notice