The Philippine Research , Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET) is open to collaborate with the different institutions from the government, academe, or research and development organizations. Those in the field of agriculture, bioinformatics, disaster management, or advanced network technology, who are interested to collaborate and participate in distance learning initiatives locally or abroad, are encouraged to be part of the only REN in the Philippines and be part of the global R&E community.

Those who wish to collaborate may submit a request, following the process below:

Submit a Letter of Intent

Interested institutions should send an email to attaching their Letter of Intent that is addressed to:

Franz A. de Leon, Ph.D.


DOST- Advanced Science and Technology Institute

ASTI Building, U.P. Technology Park Complex, C.P. Garcia Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101

Propose Options and Meeting

Upon receipt of the LOI, the PREGINET team will present options to the prospective partner and set a meeting to discuss the institution&lsquos requirements.

Endorsement to Telcos

Once the prospective partner decided and agreed on an option, the PREGINET team will then proceed on endorsing the prospective partner to the telecommunications company and will proceed on the bidding process.

DOST-ASTI will also provide the final costing of the PREGINET Connectivity to the prospective client

Finalization and signing of MOA

Once the cost and telco are finalized, DOST-ASTI will send a draft agreement for review and signing of the prospective partner. This agreement will then be send back to DOST-ASTI for our review and signing as well. Once settled, DOST-ASTI will process the final and signed agreement.

Implementation and Installation

After processing the agreement, DOST-ASTI will now proceed with the implementation or installation of the link. Prospective partner can now enjoy the services and benefits of the PREGINET Connectivity.

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